
Monday, November 5, 2012

Indian rickshaw-puller forced to take baby to work

                   rickshaw-puller Bablu Jatav says there is no-one to care for his daughter after his wife died

Offers of help have been coming into BBC Hindi after it reported that an Indian rickshaw-puller is carrying his month-old daughter in a cloth sling around his neck after his wife died.
Bablu Jatav's wife, Shanti, died on 20 September, soon after giving birth to their first child in Rajasthan state.
Mr Jatav, 38, says since there is no-one else to look after the baby, he takes her to work with him every day.
Now a local charity has agreed to help Mr Jatav take care of the baby.
"Shanti died soon after delivering the baby at the hospital. Since there is no-one to look after my daughter, I keep her with me even when I pull my rickshaw," Mr Jatav, who lives in the town of Bharatpur, told the BBC.
"We had this baby after 15 years of our marriage, my wife was so happy when we were blessed with a daughter, but it is very sad she passed away."
Taking the baby to work has created its own set of problems - on Tuesday, she had to be taken to hospital to be treated for dehydration.
Mr Jatav says life is tough and he is struggling to keep afloat.
"I have to pay 500 rupees [$9; £6] a month as house rent and 30 rupees daily to rent the rickshaw," he said.
Mr Jatav said he was afraid to re-marry because "my first priority is to care for and bring up my baby girl".
Meanwhile, after a report on Mr Jatav's plight was published on the BBC's Hindi website on Thursday, calls to help the family have been coming in from India and abroad.
And on Friday, a Bharatpur-based local non-governmental organisation agreed to help Mr Jatav care for his baby.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Peace Process in Void

                                    ‘One country two armies’ situation ends in Nepal

‘One country two armies’ situation ends in Nepal! unfortunately,it does NOT.Unlike blustered by the people of the Special Committee for the Supervision, Integration,and Rehabilitation, peace process has not come to conclusion instead the "ignominious recruitment" of Maoist combatants into Nepalese Army has (more or less) led the whole peace process astray. As devised earlier, the intent of peace process was to minimize any prospect of arm struggle.Contrarily,the integration process has failed even to acknowledge this. The pundits of conflict management politicized the whole peace process. Their prolonged squabble on numbers and rank of combatants in integration was just bargaining chip for bigger pie.Maoists had interest in gaining high hand in army structure while non-Maoists hastened to dissolve the former's "P.L.A". What about the 2/3 of politically-indoctrinated  guerrilla-warfare-trained Maoist combatants?Who guarantees that they won't take up arms again,that they won't be used again?

Monday, October 1, 2012

India-Nepal in Assymetrical Relationship

From distant past to current unfolding of political drama, issue of nationalism has always become easy and handy tool for Nepalese political parties. It is not surprising that Baidhya-led Maoists want ban on Indian vehicles and 'obscene' movies. Nevertheless, the hardliners are partly right in that they seem not to acquiesce to unequal relationship imposed by the Indian government to the date. How come the Indian vehicles have frivolous access to Nepalese transport business and Nepalese ambulance (let alone private ones) can not enter into Indian territories!! Does not it sound little unjust? My concern is: the two nations should revise existing treaties based on equality. On doing so, initiation should be taken from both sides in diplomatic levels. Hopefully, CPN-Maoist's move would prove to be helpful rather than detrimental in taking this first step.
 (In response to Prashant Jha's article

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sexuality: Freedom for Pleasure


The Female Orgasm ExplainedIn many cultures today, men’s sexual needs are placed above those of women. It is not uncommon for a woman to take little initiative in her own sexual experiences when her culture does not acknowledge or teach female sexuality.
Yet male domination in the bedroom is slowly becoming history as women are confronting it around the globe. Organizations and activists around the world are finding that educating women and men about female sexuality is not only empowering, but it helps to decrease gender violence, teen pregnancy and HIV transmission, and is leading to healthier sexual relationships and new perspectives on female genital mutilation.
The sexual revolution of the ’70s has allowed women to claim their right to pleasure and to better know their body. However, 30 years later, the female orgasm remains mysterious to a lot of people – both men and women.
Most of us can recall that scene in the movie “When Harry Met Sally” and Meg Ryan is moaning and groaning having an alleged orgasm. In the movie she is obviously faking it. The movie endeavors to show that women have the ability to confuse or mislead their men into believing that they are actually having and orgasm.
Unfortunately for men, no matter how much they scream or moan, they cannot fake an orgasm – as well, let’s face it, a masculine orgasm is rather messy.
During the 1970′s the sexual revolution enabled women the ability to lay claim to a right of pleasure in the bedroom; for the first time in public society, women were able to better understand their own bodies and discover what it actually is that enables/causes the orgasm. However, we are now 40 years since that revolution and for many men the onset and occurrence of feminine orgasm remains a total mystery.

Prognosis of WW-III

Portraits of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, left, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, shown at the Photokina in Cologne, Germany.

ADVOCATES of airstrikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities have long held that the attacks would delay an atom bomb for years and perhaps even buy Israel enough time to topple the Iranian government. In public statements, the Israeli defense minister, Ehud Barak, has said that an attack would leave Iran’s nuclear program reeling, if not destroyed. The blow, he declared recently, would set back the Iranian effort “for a long time.”
The question of what prompts the speedups would seem to go far beyond the Iranian crisis and atomic history because the number of latent nuclear states (ones that could make bombs but choose not to, like Japan and Germany) has risen around the globe in recent decades. The estimated number now stands at around 40.............

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Violence in everday life

On Guha:

adivasi youths in their base
The other day, I read Ramchandra Guha's article Adivasis, Naxalites, And Indian Democracy(2007). He explores how the maoists in India have moved into the lives of adivasi . The failures of the state and of the formal political system have provided this space for Naxalites in their lives.This is an example of how force emerges when the total system is in fiasco. The system failed not on its own rather ensued by the inaction of the agency involved. About the inertness of the agency, Guha argues, "Leave alone acting on various reports documenting the problems faced by the adivasis, the government has often not even tabled the reports in Parliament". The adivasi of Chattisgargh  are victims of its failure and negligence.
More recently, I read news on about indiscriminate shooting at a small village of the region. Dozens of adivasi were slaughtered who had gathered to discuss a land dispute.Actually,the systematic violence had not loomed so far in public. But this one is a blatant apparition of violence in its physical form. Moreover, the carnage proves Indian government's passivity for political initiative on the adivasi uprising.This will eventually complicate situation  as more agitated and frightened adivasi youths are likely to be solicited by the maoists of the region. But, will their joining the maosits redress all the calamities brought by the government?
more adivasi youths have joined maoists
On a different Note:

This morning , the Hindu brought a sensational issue in light. I would like to co-relate my recent reading of Guha with this news; how systematic violence is persistent from the top to bottom in every social structure. Violence prevails not only in the form of physical form rather it exists in everyday life is  the theme I grabbed.

victim children at private school
At a private school in a city of Banglore India, children of poor families admitted under the "Right to Education" (RTE) quota were forced to go through an Odyssey of discrimination and humiliation.  Very systematically, the school management carried out the most heinous crime of violation of child rights. Following are some outrageous acts they conducted:
-they make the "alien students" to stand separately during the assembly
-these students' lunch boxes are checked before they enter their class
-the teachers did not enlist them in the attendance register.
-the teachers make them sit in the back benches
-they cut off tufts of hair on top of their heads to distinguish these children
   These kids are victim of symbolic violence that permeates everyday lives. I do not know, how these little ones react when they grow up.Will this seizure of discrimination and violence in their life remain all over their lives? Will they be able to transform this as an energy to make a counter attack (maybe in a creative and constructive way)?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Deconstructuring "Gurkha" myth

Gurkhas in double jeopardy: Negative cultural image around the world and denial of equal rights in the British army
          Since the British Army started recruiting Gurkhas, it has portrayed Gurkhas as a “martial race”- very tough, brave and durable on the frontier. Many Gurkha soldiers have also been awarded with Victoria Cross (VC), the highest military decoration awarded for the valor in the battlefield. The hidden agenda behind the recruitment and the discrimination against the Gurkhas in British Army have always become a matter of curiosity and discussion among the intellectuals of Nepalese Studies. About this case, some hardliner nationalists reject the whole idea of recruitment of Nepalese youth in foreign force. Contrarily, other views that if we stop stopping recruitment of Nepalese youth in British Army, it would cause decrease in the source of remittance. The middle way approach towards this issue is that there should be continuation of recruitment process but with the reform in the policy guaranteeing the equal rights for the Gurkhas in British Army.
         However, viewing this phenomenon from Anthropological perspective, the recruitment of Nepalese youth in British has done more harm than good. The damage is cultural one. Portrayal of the identity of the Gurkhas as warring and violent race is an irreparable cultural loss. On the top of that, inequality and discrimination against them in terms of facilities and services within the army hints the motive of British government. Ironically, these “warring people” who fought in every battle for two hundred years for Britain, have become constant victim of structural and symbolic violence.
            The term, “Gurkha" or “Gorkha” refers to a small hill town of Gorkha from which the Nepalese kingdom had expanded. Military force of the king who started this unification process was later known as Gorkhali, meaning soldier of Gorkha. In 1814, East India Company tried to invade Nepal but the Gorkhali defended their territory causing heavy casualties on enemy troops. The colonialist East India Company signed a hasty peace deal and offered to pay the Gurkhas to join their army. Ever since, the servicemen were called Gurkhas. The Gurkhas kept fighting for the British Army in the First and Second World Wars - in France, Flanders, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Gallipoli, Palestine, Salonica and in the desert of Arabia and then across Europe and the Far East in World War II. They have also fought in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Borneo, Cyprus, the Falklands, Sierra Leone, East Timor, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. At present days, Gurkhas have distinct unit in British Army known as the Brigade of Gurkhas holding 3,500 servicemen.
For 200 years, the majority of these soldiers were deliberately drawn from the impoverished ethnic and indigenous minorities impoverished, particularly from Magar, Gurung, Rai and Limbu for certain reasons. 
           The first reason is that initially the British were reluctant to try the Gorkha force, which had required the strength of a vast Chinese army to push them out of Tibet. The Gurkha soldier known for their speed and their willingness to defend the cause till death under extreme conditions had an intricate knowledge of the terrain and were perfectly suited for guerrilla warfare. They started recruiting Magar, Gurung, Rai and Limbu who looked like Chinese and had incredible endurance capacity in harsh physical and geographical condition. The second reason was that Gurkhas have been perceived as being more amendable to discipline which is fit for the army. These ethnic and indigenous minority people are honest and disciplined which British took advantage for itself. The reason behind the British government still recruiting the Gurkhas is partly financial. It pays the Gurkhas very meager in comparison to their British compatriots. The British Army used tricky strategies to continue the recruiting of Gurkhas.
          Before explaining the strategy of Gurkha recruitment, a definition of the concept of hegemony is needed to provide a clearer understanding of this process. Hegemony, as Joseph Femia brings Gramsci’s idea, works with the use of language. Language serves as a means of “creating and applying hegemony” (146). Powerful institution be that local or foreign can influence thought and mindset of people within a society. With constant circulation of news about the Gurkhas’ “act of valor”, the British Army plays hegemonic influence over the Gurkha soldiers to fight more violently for the British Empire. As a result, they tend to enjoy the complementary words and “medals of valor” while not realizing their negative cultural image as fierce and violent people. At this point, the British government succeeded in socializing war and its benefits among the Gurkha community.
        A very significant example of how hegemony works over individual is the incident of 2010. A Gurkha soldier hacked the head off a dead Taliban commander with his Khukuri, ceremonial knife to prove the dead man’s identity. His act was condemned by the international community for violation of Geneva Convention. It offends the Muslim tradition of burying the dead with all body parts, attached or unattached. This act was of course enticed by the sense of glory but it has compelled people to recognize Gurkha as brutal and blood thirsty combatant.
        People in the countries where Gurkhas ‘bravely’ fought have also been recognized as “cruel mercenaries” fighting for the cause of imperialist. For instance, Gurkha’s image in Falkland war. In 1982, the British decided to invade the Falkland Islands and the “finest battalion of Gurkhas was deployed.” (Farwel, 288) Argentine troops were apprehensive about the Gurkhas because there were many rumors about Gurkha soldiers. It was widely believed by the Argentines that the Gurkhas killed their own wounded compatriots and ruthlessly slit the throats of some forty Argentine soldiers at the place called Moody Brook, near Port Stanley. However, these myths of Gurkhas “prowess amused the commander who delighted in their bloodthirsty reputation” ( Farwel, 290). 
        In his book, The Gurkhas, Byron Farwell quotes of an Argentine captain inquiring about the Gurkhas to the British officer: “what do you pay them?” “Oh, a handful of rice a day,” said the British. “We pay them three handfuls if they will fight for us” said the Argentine. Gurkha’s image as ruthless mercenaries is great cultural loss for Gurkha community.
        Drawing on Keith Otterbein’s idea about social characteristic of war, Gurkhas’ tendency to fight loyally and die-heartily against the enemy of the British empire can be justified as an aspect of “socialization of war” (2009; 60). The military leader creates strong hatred against the enemy side through ethnocentric notion. The national and ethnic identity loyal and disciplined Gurkhas dilute when it comes to the bifurcation of self into “us” versus “them”. And the Gurkha’s ethnic identity waters down into “we, the British”.
        The British has distorted Gurkhas identity in a very romantic way. The British construction of Gurkha legend says that it once a Gurkha unsheathes his kukuri, he must draw blood with it. When a Gurkha unsheathes his weapon in a non-combative situation, he must then nick himself to satisfy the "blood thirst" of the blade or slit the throats of the enemy. But whose enemy? What wrong did this 'enemy' do to the Nepali 'Gurkha' soldier? Did this enemy come looking to occupy his country? Whose war is he fighting? Gurkha never asked these questions rather seemed to enjoy the legend.
        As a matter of fact, Gurkhas are not so violent and brutal by nature. It is the fierce training and psychological makeup that molds them into such character. It is the myth created and reiterated for decades in that the Gurkhas are a warrior race, natural fighters, unflinchingly brave in combat and deeply loyal. In his book, Warrior Gentlemen: Gurkhas in the Western Imagination, Lionel Caplan claims that the uniform image of Gurkha is the product of the western imagination of a “close-knit, public school educated, upper class of British men” (81). He further claims that the martial race concept attached to Gurkha by the British also provides some insight into the workings of 19th century “European imperialist racism outside the more familiar contexts of either slavery or the Third Reich” (87). As such, their attitudes towards foreign peoples especially towards Gurkhas were determined in large part by dogmatic theories of biological determinism. Western myth about the Gurkhas puts the individual Gurkha soldier into pressure to fight violently and this has worked almost in every battle that the empire has involved.
        The story of Gurkha regiments has been told many times, and draws attention of western writers and artists. Additionally, the stories passed on by the words of mouth by generation of British soldiers have created more-than-life size image in the public imagination. Actually, Britishers romanticized the view that Gurkhas are the “happy warriors; cheerful, proud and content to be soldiers, and capable of finding humor in the direst of circumstances” (Chappell, 5). In those history and the anecdotes which have been told and aggrandized, Gurkhas were never the narrator rather they were positioned as passive listener.
The portrayal of Gurkhas as martial race became notorious as the British Empire’s most fiercest and manly soldiers. Heather Streets- Salter views the cause for this as the political one.
        In her book, Martial Races: The British, Race, and Masculinity in British Imperial Culture, Streets- Salter argues that martial race ideology is “savage representation of masculinity that.... came out of British imperialist elites ... contradictory purposes.”(9) In fact, the collective and generalized portrayal of “Gurkha as martial race” does not exist in reality. This is British construction. What British collectively portray as Gurkha contrarily involves diverse cultural makeup. There is no singular “race” or “martial race” as Gurkha.
About the physical requirements for the recruitment and the training that follows, the Britishers went ‘for true Gurkha martial tribes’. As mentioned above, the British colonial mission was to push Chinese back from Tibet, they looked for the Gurkhas who had Mongolian appearance. Those candidates were accustomed to carrying heavy loads in steep mountain and hill so had well-developed leg muscles. Even today, only those recruits, who are fit enough and determined enough to run 5km up the foothills of the Himalayas, while carrying 25kg of rocks on their back, will be deemed worthy of joining the British army.
        The combative training prepares the newly recruited soldiers to become very aggressive and violent in the battlefield. The ethnic and indigenous group which covers the majority of Gurkhas demographic composition in British Army has strong sense of connections to the rest of Gurkha servicemen. Indeed, the Gurkha community itself is bound with strong kinship. Joining a kinsman in the battlefield and fighting fearlessly to save one another is Gurkhas’ nature. As such, the Britishers know the fact and exploit it and utilize it “to garner British raj.” (Pilger, 2008)
        There is more severe form of exploitation against the Gurkha soldier within the British Army. In fact, it is structural violence. Before explaining the Gurkhas experience of structural violence in the Army a definition of the concept of “structural violence” is needed to provide a clearer understanding of this degree of violence. The term “structural violence” has been described by Scheper-Hughes and Bourgois (2004) as “the violence of poverty, hunger, social exclusion, and humiliation”. This form of “peacetime” violence is often directed at a specific portion or segment of society and is perpetrated from the highest institutional levels (Et al, 19).       Gurkha veterans were barred from settling in the UK as British citizens and also restricted from equal pension and other facilities despite putting their lives “on the line for the Crown.” (Hickley, 2009) Recently, the Gurkhas have partially achieved success. Actually, Gurkha veterans who move to Britain are entitled to full pensions, whereas those back home receive around a third of what former British soldiers are paid.
In olden days it was cheaper to recruit Gurkhas than British troops, and there was a shortage of British troops. Also, Gurkhas are loyal, easily amendable to discipline and physically capable for the warfare in mountain and hill. On the top of that, they stayed reticent about the inequality and injustice so far. However, when Gurkha’s tireless campaign brought down the government to address the issue, it decided to cut the number of Gurkha recruits.
       In present days, Gurkha’s cultural image is huge concern among youth. Some enjoys the legend of Gurkhas and tries to emulate the footstep of “war heroes” by vying for the post. However, most of the young intellectuals condemn the portrayal of this “imagined race” as savage fighters. For them, the Gurkhas were peace loving before the contact with the Britishers. As a matter of fact, every community is involved in some kind of conflict in the course of development and thus each creates myths, legends and heroes. But when the outsider utilizes that myth and overdoes it, the legend turns tarnished and back fires the community. Same is the case with Gurkhas. After the contact with British, the image becomes more redundant and notorious i.e. blood thirsty race. . The discourse about Gurkha has come under a massive deconstructionist approach lately. Such a development in the reconfiguring the image of Gurkha of course brings hope among the people.
Caplan, Lionel.
1985. Warrior Gentlemen: Gurkhas in the Western Imagination. London:Berghahn Books. 81-90
Chappel, John, Cross, J.P., and Gurung, Buddhiman
2007. Gurkhas at War: Eyewitness Accounts from World War II to Iraq. New York: US Naval Institute Press.
Chappel, Mike.
1994. The Gurkhas. London : Osprey.
Farwell, Byron.
1984. The Gurkhas. New York: W.W Norton & Company, Inc. 285-290
Femia, Joseph V.
1981. Gramsci's political thought: hegemony, consciousness, and the revolutionary process. New York: Clarendon Press.
Fry, Douglas P.
2006. The Human Potential for Peace. New York: Oxford University Press.
Hickley, Mathew.
2008. The Mail Online. Betrayal of the Gurkhas: Soldiers Denied the Right to Live Here Hand Medals Back. March, 20.
Otterbien, Keith F.
2010. Foundation of War. Illinois: Waverland Inc. Co.
Parker, John.
1984. The Gurkhas: The inside Story of the World’s Most Feared Soldiers.
Pilger, John.
2008. How Britain Wages War. New Statesman. 137 (3)
Scheper-Hughes, N. and Bourgois, P. (Ed.)
2010. Violence in War and Peace. Malden, USA: Blackwell Pub.
Streets- Salter, Heather.
2004. Martial Races: The Military, Race, and Masculinity in British Imperial Culture. Manchester: Manchester University.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Reading James C. Scott

While reading James Scott, I did not hesitate to appreciate human being's disposition regarding to his/her resistance against hegemony and oppression. Scott clearly brings the idea of silent protest persistent in everyday social life. The idea of 'hidden transcript' is what something that helped me envisage the forms of everyday resistance around me. Scott's ethnography on Malaysian peasantry is really very vivid in the sense he has minutely observed and portrayed the hidden form of resistance in this 'pre-industrial' society.
People "pilfer", make "false compliance", "gossip", spread "rumors" as means of resisting the existing authority which demands compliance in every bit of transcript they resort to. Strange! the hidden transcript works pretty effectively in that situation when the ruling classes are using violence to keep status quo intact.
Contrarily, theory of unconsciousness and Gramsci's theory of hegemony place human agent in that socio-cultural location where s/he is just a consumer of the ruling class ideology. As an individual, a person is unable to resist any kind of oppression ; revolution is possible only through mass and that mass should be galvanized by the 'organic intellectual'. For Scott, an individual agent can defy the oppression on his own through the hidden transcript. He does not even need collective effort on doing so.
In my analysis, Scott  puts human agency in the core of his theory of 'infra politics'.
Based on:
James Scott's Weapons of the weak:Everyday forms of peasant resistance

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gurkhas in Destitute

Again, another hassle for minimum rights.

The Plight of ex-gurkha soldiers is horrible. Despite 'defame' endowed by the profession, they are living a life of destitute.

Daydream of ex-king in Nepal

Gyanendra Shah is in utter daydream! His reverie for 'majestic' comeback to the throne is nothing more than miscalculation of Nepalese people's aspiration for REPUBLICAN nation. Unfortunately, he and his entourages seem blind to the ground reality. While estimating to fish in the murky political scenario, he has made a bid for the 'guardianship'. But, whose guardian? For two centuries, monarchy in Nepal did worse than anything. It induced social injustice; inequality, discrimination, oppression and marginalization of communities, and what not. Nepalese people have not forgotten his atrocity; the coup, let alone the long trenched mystery of royal massacre or the 'fratricides'.